What is an FSA ID?

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2017

What is an FSA ID?

Formerly known as a pin, an FSA ID is the newest way to verify who you are with the Department of Education and is the only thing between you and managing your student loans online.

If you or your children have applied for financial aid after May 2015, you most likely already have created an FSA ID. If not, the process to create one takes less than 10 minutes and is as simple as completing a form online. 

What can I do with my FSA ID?

You can use your FSA to complete different tasks online, including:

  1. Exit counseling
  2. Retrieve student loan info
  3. Apply for student loan consolidation
  4. Apply for Income Based Repayment
  5. and more...

If you want to complete any application online with the Department of Education you will need to create an FSA ID. 


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